Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday, February 6 - Washington County News

City Council approves soil work contract
The Washington City Council approves a contract to have services done by Geo-Technical engineering services for the proposed Wastewater treatment facility. TEAM Services will do that work. City Administrator Dave Plyman says that this company did similar work for the library project that includes soil borings.

Schmitz want Iowa to be a wind energy leader
The State Senator that covers Washington County says that renewable energy is a strong part of the Iowa economy. Becky Schmitz says she wants to see Iowa as a leader in renewable energy. Schmitz has some listening posts scheduled in Washington County. Today in Wellman at City Hall at 9:30, Kalona Public Library at 10:45, and in Riverside at Murphy's at noon.

IMS Fine Arts
The IMS Fine Art series ended last weekend. Mary Lou Gingrich with IMS says she feels the Series has been a success. She says that through out the fall and winter they had close to a packed house for every event. Gingrich says the series goes through the fall and winter and the spring and fall is when they have school productions.

Master Gardeners plan sale
The Washington County Master Gardeners set the date for their spring plant sale. According to Nancy Adrian From the extension office, the group will do that May 16. The group met last week and had a program from Carolyn Schmidt about a botanical garden in Cape Town, South Africa. Schmidt's daughter is a missionary in Cape Town and they visited her last year. The next meeting will be on February 24 at 6:30 p.m. at the Extension Office.

Sound of Washington
A new group in Washington is a special needs choir. Kim Eckler is one of the founders of Sound of Washington and says the idea started because someone she knew is nearly bed ridden, and enjoyed singing. Eckler says they wanted to be able to provide a way to get out in the community and sing. The group meets Tuesdays at 6 at the Washington Mennonite Church.

American Legion Riders
The American Legion Riders in Washington plan a fund raiser next week. Barb Duder from that group says that on Valentines Day, they have a soup supper at the National Guard Armory in Washington. Duder says that the riders are cooking a variety of soup February 14 from 4:30 to 7:30, again at the National Guard Armory.

Pathway School fundraiser
Pathway Schools is holding an auction to raise money for a scholarship. Edie Kemp says there will be many items on the auction. Its Friday, February 20 from 4 to 8 p.m.

Columbus Junction salt supply
The Columbus Junction area was running very low on salt when winter arrived. City Clerk Julie Heindel says during the first part of winter their supplier was not sending any of the salt they needed. Throughout the winter they have been getting salt from a variety of places so they could keep the streets.

Washington Page
7:30 a.m. & 12:55 p.m. Kim Eckler, Sound of Washington
Listen to the interview on the Radio Plus page.

In Touch With Southeast Iowa
12:50 p.m. Larry Marek, State Representative
Listen to the interview on the Radio Plus page.

Friday, February 6 - Washington County News

City Council approves soil work contract
The Washington City Council approves a contract to have Geo-Technical engineering services for the proposed Wastewater treatment facility. TEAM Services will do that work. City Administrator Dave Plyman says that this company did similar work for the library project that includes soil borings.

Schmitz want Iowa to be a wind energy leader
The State Senator that covers Washington County says that renewable energy is a strong part of the Iowa economy. Becky Schmitz says she wants to see Iowa as a leader in renewable energy. Schmitz has some listening posts scheduled in Washington County. Today in Wellman at City Hall at 9:30, Kalona Public Library at 10:45, and in Riverside at Murphy's at noon.

IMS Fine Arts
The IMS Fine Art series ended last weekend. Mary Lou Gingrich with IMS says she feels the Series has been a success. She says that through out the fall and winter they had close to a packed house for every event. Gingrich says the series goes through the fall and winter and the spring and fall is when they have school productions.

Master Gardeners plan sale
The Washington County Master Gardeners set the date for their spring plant sale. According to Nancy Adrian From the extension office, the group will do that May 16. The group met last week and had a program from Carolyn Schmidt about a botanical garden in Cape Town, South Africa. Schmidt's daughter is a missionary in Cape Town and they visited her last year. The next meeting will be on February 24 at 6:30 p.m. at the Extension Office.

Sound of Washington
A new group in Washington is a special needs choir. Kim Eckler is one of the founders of Sound of Washington and says the idea started because someone she knew is nearly bed ridden, and enjoyed singing. Eckler says they wanted to be able to provide a way to get out in the community and sing. The group meets Tuesdays at 6 at the Washington Mennonite Church.

American Legion Riders
The American Legion Riders in Washington plan a fund raiser next week. Barb Duder from that group says that on Valentines Day, they have a soup supper at the National Guard Armory in Washington. Duder says that the riders are cooking a variety of soup February 14 from 4:30 to 7:30, again at the National Guard Armory.

Pathway School fundraiser
Pathway Schools is holding an auction to raise money for a scholarship. Edie Kemp says there will be many items on the auction. Its Friday, February 20 from 4 to 8 p.m.

Columbus Junction salt supply
The Columbus Junction area was running very low on salt when winter arrived. City Clerk Julie Heindel says during the first part of winter their supplier was not sending any of the salt they needed. Throughout the winter they have been getting salt from a variety of places so they could keep the streets.

Washington Page
7:30 a.m. & 12:55 p.m. Kim Eckler, Sound of Washington
Listen to the interview on the Radio Plus page.

In Touch With Southeast Iowa
12:50 p.m. Larry Marek, State Representative
Listen to the interview on the Radio Plus page.