Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fair Queen, Princess stop by Big Red Radio

This year's Washington County Fair Queen has been involved in 4-H for almost a decade. Shelby Sieren is a senior 4-Her from Keota. She grew up on her family farm raising hogs, sheep and growing corn and soybeans. Sieren and Fair Princess Tara Gent stopped by the KCII Big Red Radio during the fair yesterday (7/20). To hear more tune in to the KCII Morning Magazine at 7:00, when Gent and Sieren will be our guests on the Washington Page.

Tuesday at the fair

The Washington County Fair continues today (7/21). 4-H and FFA Live Stock shows start at 8:00 am with Sheep. At 9:00 there's the Horse and Pony Show, as well as the Rabbit Show. At 2:00 the 4-H Clover Kids have their Sheep Show. At 4:00 it's the Breeding Beef Show and at 6:30 it's the Dairy Cattle Show. Other events include the round hay bale decorating contest at noon, the Clover Kids Style Revue at 6:00 pm and Mutton Bustin' and Rodeo starting at 7:00. For a complete listing of events head to KCII-Radio-Dot-Com, and stay tuned to KCII all week for live updates from the Big Red Radio.

Park board to consider capital plan

Washington's Park Board is working on a capital development plan. Parks Superintendent Tim Widmer says it's contingent upon whether or not voters favor a proposed hotel-motel tax. City councilors in May voted to send the hotel-motel tax proposal to the ballot. It's been a polarizing issue between hotel owners who say it will hurt their business, and economic development proponents who say it would be a good opportunity for extra revenue.

Supervisors consider code of ordinances

Washington County Supervisors will take public comment on a revised code of ordinances at this morning's meeting. They hired a company to review the code, and make sure there were no conflicts with state law. The meeting starts at 9:30 morning in the Washington County Courthouse.

IA River part of federal study

The Iowa River is on a long list of waterways that will be studied as part of the federal Energy and Water Appropriations Bill. Congressman Dave Loebsack says the money will help identify measures to minimize flood risks and preserve water quality. He says reports will be completed to determine the need for additional projects to restore and enhance wetlands, buffer zones around streams and rivers and stream habitat conditions. In all, $23-million in federal money is being dedicated to Iowa waterways.

Flaming Prairie Rec Area to get facelift

One of Louisa Countys many recreation areas will be getting an extreme makeover soon. Louisa County Conservation Director Julie Ohde says volunteers from across the county will gather this September to give Flaming Prairie Recreation Area a facelift. Ohde says the volunteer group will repaint the shelters and restrooms and will plant some new trees as well. She says the reason they use volunteers is because it gives the community a sense of pride in the area and people tend to care more for the parks appearance and well-being.

Group fights for historic church

A 111-year old church in Keokuk County is getting some much-needed help from some historic-minded residents. County Supervisor Michael Berg says the Clear Creek Township Church has been important to residents not only for religious reasons, but for sentimental ones as well. Berg says their organization bought the church from the diocese in Davenport and is currently raising money to save it from demolition. He says their group will fight as far as it takes to save the church, and is currently seeking grants from the historical society and Vision Iowa. Berg says hes very confident in their progress and feels they will be successful in their efforts.

Iowa ranks high in quality of life

A recent study by Congressional Quarterly Press indicates quality of life in Iowa is one of the nations best. The annual release indicates Iowas life standards are second highest in the country. Fairfield State Senator Becky Schmitz says Iowas commitment to quality education and safe neighborhoods are two major factors for Iowas high rating. Schmitz also says the states natural resources and many recreational opportunities make Iowa a leader in family and outdoor activities.