Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Find videos from the Washington County Fair at our youtube spot.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Washington County Fair 2008

KCII will post some short videos of a few events this week from the fair. Listen for live updates from the Bid Red Radio, and look for it playing music this at the fairgrounds.

4-H and FFA Livestock Judging contest

Monday, July 14

Washington, Iowa
Washington County Fair

Friday, July 4, 2008

Muscatine volunteers needed


I've been asked to resend this with additional numbers, as the number in the original notice goes to our office answering machine. Our office, however, is closed for the 4th of July weekend. It was thought more people may be available during the holiday weekend and we might miss some wishing to volunteer. So, if you could please run the following for this weekend, we'd really appreciate it. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience and confusion. Thanks!

Volunteers and Information in Muscatine is seeking volunteers to aid in flood recovery efforts for handicapped and elderly flood victims. If you are able-bodied and can help, please call Volunteers and Information in Muscatine at the following numbers:




Tom Brehmer

Vice Chairman, V & I Board Of Directors

Muscatine, Iowa

Contact: 563-260-5486

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

99 reopens in Oakville

This information from Kathy Vance:

WAPELLO, Iowa- The Louisa County Emergency Management Director announced Highway 99 has been reopened in to the flooded city of Oakville. Residents are being allowed to return to their homes to begin the clean-up. Louisa County Sheriff Curt Braby is warning residents many parts of the city are still under water and to enter at their own risk.

Contractors and other professionals, volunteers and the media have also been cleared to enter the City of Oakville but must receive credentials.

Contractors and other professionals must report to the Louisa County Tax Assessors office located in the County Courthouse at 117 South Main Street in Wapello, Monday-Friday 8am-4:40pm. Contractors and professionals will have to show ID and business license.

Volunteers must report to the Solid Rock Baptist Church located in Wapello at 14041 Locust St.