Monday, March 9, 2009

IMS Boys Basketball Team At State Tournament

The IMS boys basketball team makes their return to the state tournament in Des Moines today. IMS is playing Ventura, who is making their first trip to the state tournament in school history. Ventura is a town of about 700 people 14 miles west of Mason City. As for IMS, their last two trips, in 05 and 07, they reached the finals and lost close games. You'll be able to hear the game right here on the one to count on KCII. The game is scheduled to start at 2 pm.

Farm Bureau Concerned About County Secondary Roads

The Washington County Iowa Farm Bureau is hoping find a solution to improving county secondary roads. Regional Manager for the Iowa Farm Bureau Jerry Anderson says the conditions of these roads are not very good primarily because they were built to handle limited traffic and vehicles from the 50's and 60's. Anderson says today there is more traffic and heavier vehicles. The Farm Bureau recently held a workshop with county officials to discuss some possible solutions. Now Anderson says the plan is to survey members to identify which solution they favor, and work with supervisors to take action along those lines.

Lincoln Literacy Night Thursday

Lincoln Literacy Night is coming to Lincoln Elementary Thursday night. One of the organizers and Lincoln Teacher Linda Shields says this is for parents and children. She says they will have four informative sessions going on for parents. Those include how to motivate kids to read, fun ways to improve your child's vocabulary, bullying, and what programs are offered at the library. The kids will take part in games and story time. The parents will have time to go to two of the sessions so they want to choose the two they find most beneficial. Lincoln Literacy night will be Thursday from 6-7:30 at Lincoln Elementary.

College Planning Night

Seniors are preparing for college. Mid Prairie High school is holding a College Prep night tonight at 7pm. School Councilor Sarah Kos says they are brining in people from around the state to allow the seniors and juniors to ask questions and learn what to expect in college. Kos says it is geared mainly towards seniors but juniors are welcome to attend as well. The Prep night will be tonight at 7pm at the Mid Prairie High School

Souper Bowl Supper Next Monday

You are invited to a Souper Bowl Supper and it has nothing to do with football. The Second Annual Souper Bowl Supper will be held in the cafeteria at Washington High School next Monday. There will be a variety of soups and all the trimmings and drinks, prepared by the high school Nutrition and Fitness class. The soups will be served in handmade ceramic bowls made by the Ceramics and Sculpture classes. The proceeds go to Washington HACAP. You can purchase tickets in advance for $6. The Souper Bowl Supper is next Monday from 4:30 to 6:30. You can call 653-2143 for ticket information.

Daffodil Days Delayed

The American Cancer Society Daffodil Days is scheduled for this week with daffodils scheduled to be delivered in many locations tomorrow. Kierstan Peck, Community Relations with the American Cancer Society says because of poor weather conditions out west, the daffodil delivery has been delayed. She says at this particular time, they do not have the revised truck schedules. As soon as she receives this information she will let everyone know. Peck says she is not expecting to receive any deliveries until at least Thursday or Friday.

Riverside City Council

The Riverside City council is meeting tonight. On the agenda there will be an open public hearing on the 2009-2010 budget estimates. The council will ask for any oral or written objections and then finish with a resolution to approve the budget estimate. The council will meet at the city hall at 5pm.