Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wolf named Washington Chamber Citizen of the Year

More than 200 people came to the Washington Knights of Columbus Hall last night for the Chamber of Commerce's annual Our Town Awards Dinner. Awards were given in a variety of different categories. Perhaps one of the most prestigious honors was the chamber's citizen of the year award, which was given to Margaret Wolf. Wolf was recognized for her numerous contributions to the community. Other awards included the community service award which was given to the Washington Fire Department, and business of the year which was given to Washington County Hospital and Clinics.

Special guests shares life story at chamber dinner

A woman who made Iowa history paid a visit to Washington yesterday. LaMetta Wynn was the featured speaker at the Chamber of Commerce's Our Town Awards Dinner. Wynn is the former mayor of Clinton, and is the first African American Woman to serve as a mayor in Iowa. She says a person's success as a community leader depends help from others. Wynn says Washington is filled with such leaders. Wynn also served on the Clinton Community School board and the Commission on the Status of African American's in Iowa. She was also named as one of the 25 Most Dynamic Mayors in America by Newsweek Magazine.

Farfield man considering run for Ag Secretary

A Fairfield man is considering running for the post of Iowa's Agriculture Secretary. Francis Thicke is forming an exploratory committee to investigate the option. Thicke says he's considering his candidacy because he feels there are areas of agriculture that need to be further explored. Thicke says Iowa agriculture needs to be more sustainable. One example he offers is planting crops in between the corn and soybean rotations such as rye, which he says would help hold soil in place. Thicke is an organic dairy farmer, who has also served in the U-S Department of Agriculture. He says he hopes to know for sure whether or not he'll run for office by this summer.

Beware of quick change artists

A warning for local merchants: Federation Bank's Wellman branch reports a quick change artist has been trying to bilk money from cashiers in the community. This is when a person enters a business and asks for change, when the person is handed the change they pull another roll of money out of a different pocket and claim they were shorted. The man who attempted the scam in Wellman is described as being in his mid forties with sandy blond hair. On Friday he was reported to be wearing a white and blue striped fleece shirt and blue jeans.

Panel discussion on teen issues

Mid-Prairie is one of hundreds of school districts nationwide that will hold a panel discussion to raise awareness about important issues facing teens and their families. Kelly Swift, Student Advocate for Mid-Prairie Schools, says suicide prevention, underage drinking, drug use, and risky behavior will be discussed. The meeting will be April 6th at 7:00PM in the Mid-Prairie Middle School Gymnasium.

Calling all prom dresses

Charla Howard of Washington would like to send out a challenge to all parents and past students that have pre-worn prom dresses and/or shoes to donate them to families that need a little extra help with expenses. She says in these times some families might not be able to afford brand new prom dresses and that most dresses are used only once and then are left hanging in a closest. Howard says this is a way to help people in the community.

IPTV launches health hike

Iowa Public Television has announced the network will embark on a new initiative designed to get kids across the state to engage in exercise and reading this spring. Kerri Bell with the Kalona Elementary School says one elementary school classroom and one library in each county has been selected to participate in a Healthy Hike competition, with students working to log minutes exercising and minutes reading throughout the month of April. The Kalona Public Library and Kalona Elementary 2nd graders will be participating. At the end of the competition, participating classrooms will take a Healthy Hike to their local participating library for a story time and celebration. For more information on the Healthy Hike, educators and families are encouraged to visit www.iptv.org/dantastic.

Warm weather cars

As the seasons change, so can the needs of our automobiles. Glenn Martin, who owns Glenn's Auto in Washington says cold weather can take its toll on vehicles. He says first and foremost, you need to check a few things to make sure your car is safe to operate such as tires, windshield wipers and rims.